Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

When I think about St. Patrick's Day, I think about spending that holiday with my brother David. It was those days that made me really dislike David. He would get in a mean spirit at school because of all the pinching going on, then he would come home and start fighting with me. I would get pinched and punched even though I was wearing green. He loved to pick on me. But now, I really don't mind. I wish he were home so he could pinch me to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

I know now that his way of showing he cared was by picking on me. He still picks on me even though he is 19 and I am 17. I have a feeling that he will be picking on me until the day I die. Somehow, that makes me smile. David wouldn't be David if he wasn't a bully. That is just one of the many things that makes him who he is.

David is a bully to me for a different reason though. It isn't because he doesn't like me, it is because he wants me to be strong. I hope I don't disappoint him.


  1. Big brothers are just like that. I know mine was about exactly the same and they always say "I'm just doing it to toughen you up." I know how you feel wanting your brother to be here. I wish mine was. Just like you, I wouldn't care if he was beating me up, as long as he was here.

  2. I know how tough it must be on you to not have Justin with you. He is with you always though. D always says that he is thinking of me and I'm sure Justin is watching over you.
